Are you considering abortion?

If you’re feeling fearful, trapped, or pressured because of your unplanned pregnancy, you may be considering abortion. Having an abortion is a big decision and we want you to be aware of the methods, side effects, and possible risks. You deserve to know the truth.

Because over 10,000 illegal abortions are performed in our country every year, you must learn as much as possible before deciding what to do.

Abortion procedures

How far along you are in your pregnancy determines what type of abortion procedure you can have.

Medical Abortion (MA)

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is permitted legally from 4 to 9 weeks gestation.  Two drugs are used in medical abortion. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks a hormone called progesterone. This hormone thickens the lining of the uterus for the fertilized egg. Mifepristone thins the lining to prevent the embryo from staying implanted and growing. The second abortion drug, misoprostol, causes the uterus to contract to expel the pregnancy.

Here, in our country, we have a huge problem with unregistered people selling miscellaneous abortion pills to women, thereby increasing the rate of women hospitalized due to unsafe abortion practices. Do not obtain abortion pills from illegal sources.

Research suggests that for every safe legal abortion performed, two unsafe ones occur.

Surgical Abortion

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)

A surgical abortion is more invasive than medical abortion. Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is permitted from 9 to 14 weeks gestation. This process requires surgery to remove the fetus from the uterus through the vagina. It’s done with an instrument called a curet which is a suction (or vacuum) device to remove all parts of the fetus.

Dilation and evacuation (D & E)

Dilation and evacuation (D & E) is permitted from 14 to 20 weeks gestation. D&E abortions require your cervix to be dilated (opened) further to remove a larger pregnancy. The contents of the uterus are suctioned out, forceps are used if necessary, and the lining of the uterus is scraped to be sure the entire pregnancy has been removed.

Contact us

You can plan for some types of challenges, whether it be emotional, physical, or relational following an abortion procedure. Before you decide on getting an abortion, talk with us about these potential risks. We want to help you as you face your unplanned pregnancy. No one should have to decide how to handle it on their own. Reach out to us. You are courageous.